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Media Assets



Only working members of the media will be approved for media credentials.

  • Media deadline to apply for the credential is one week prior to show date.

  • The assigning editor or producer must complete application below for media credentials.

  • The performer’s publicist/management team will review media request, and the news organization will be issued an email of acceptance immediately following the receipt of the approved list.


Media Credential Application Guideline



Media credentials are reserved for working journalists only. In order to be considered for a media credential, you must be a current staff member from an official news organization that produces and publishes original content.


Photographers must be on assignment from a publication or wire service. All photographers applying to cover the event are required to use professional photography equipment only.

Apply Here
I am requesting a credential for:

Thanks for applying! We’ll get back to you soon.


Centro de convenciones Caloosa Sound

1350 Calle Monroe

Fuerte Myers, FL 33901

Teléfono: 954-868-1416

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© 2023 por Exposición de tatuajes de la costa del golfo de FLORIDA

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